Marg For Peace

Create the life which you want to live


Brahmaleen Guruji Shri Mani Swami Ji
Founder of Skandashram, (Bhilai)

Peace is the ultimate goal of human life which can’t be achieved by Political Leadership.
Peace can only be achieved by Spiritual Leadership. Spiritual Leadership means motivated, inspired, and driven by four basic principles of life described by Vedas i.e., Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Only such leadership can establish the peace in the world. Spiritual mindset is required to develop as Spiritual Leader.
Marg For Peace is a Global Initiative to establish the Peace in the World under the Divine Guidance of Great Spiritual Guru and Master of Ancient Vedic Practices, Brahmaleen Guruji Shri Mani Swami Ji (Founder of Skandashram Bhilai) who had imparted the ancient sacred deep knowledge of Siddhas that was only imparted from Guru to worthy disciples, thus being protected within the lineage of Guru Shishya Parampara.Guruji used to say, “You are the creator of your own destiny. We are used to upgrade the software of every piece of equipment we have but we never upgrade the software of the most powerful machine on earth – that is Human Organism. We never upgrade our own body and mind. As a result, most human beings are content to lead the life based on scripts that came preloaded with their machines.” According to Guruji, fear and expectations are the root cause of mental illness, due to which whole life of a person becomes painful.Guruji’s teachings will help you to rewrite the script of your life and help you to achieve, which your heart truly seeks. Don’t be stuck with obsolete software, upgrade the software of your life now. Only “Spiritually Upgraded Human Minds” can upgrade the collective consciousness of the society and can lead in all walks of life and can make the world peaceful and a better living place. Spiritual Leadership can’t be developed until we upgrade the human organism.In order to disseminate Guruji’s teachings, Marg For Peace is initiating special Vedic Mantra Yoga sittings for all aspirants. It is absolutely free for all. Mental propensities can easily be controlled by daily practice of Vedic Mantras. Daily Practice of Vedic Mantras increases level of consciousness and thus, mind becomes cool, calm and spiritual. Vedic Mantras are all capable to produce the desired results by removing all obstacles of life as they extremely potent if recited daily with correct pronunciation and punctuation marks.Our Special Vedic Mantra Yoga includes the practice of controlling the breath which is also a part of Raj Yoga. Those who keep their breathing under control through the practice of yoga are healthy to a great degree and are capable to control their minds because the breath is vital not only to the body but also to the mind. The mind which is the source of thought, is the same as the vital energy (Prana), which is the source of breath or in other words Prana and Mind are the same.

Jai Jai Kartikeya!


Join Marg For Peace for Creating the Life which You Want to Live. If you want to upgrade yourself, then be an integral part of this Global Initiative. Contact us for more inquiry, and join our Telegram group.